Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cheers for a New Year and another chance to get it right

There is something about the first month of the year that makes me feel like I have a clean slate. It is a very motivating feeling.  This is the only time of year I am guaranteed to get something organized.  I start taking out projects I vowed to do daily/weekly only to find them all stacked up and deserted in the corner of my office.  I make a list of motivational quotes to post around my house as reminders to stay on task.  I want to make 2011 the year I stop dreaming about accomplishing my resolutions and I start to do them.  I think that starting this blog is a great way to stay on task because my hopes are that my readers will be checking up on my posts.  With that being said, my new years resolutions are as follows
1) To not diet this year.  I want to use my love of cooking to make healthy meals for me and my family.  I want us as a family to get involved in exercise and this will be more than wii bowling together.  We have a beautiful rec center that we are all members of, lets enjoy it!!
2)Enjoy life more Children, more than anyone else, know how to live. They experience everything in the moment, fully. When they get hurt, they really cry. When they play, they really have fun.  I want to learn from my Children instead of thinking I know so much more than them.  I want to learn how to be joyful like they are.
3) Stop caring what others think I know, logically, that you can't even know or predict what other people think, much less change their thoughts. I also know intellectually that other people's thoughts about what you do, say, plan, or think really don't matter. But this is something I struggle with -- a lot. If my kids are doing something cute and my house does not look PERFECT in the back ground I will not take a picture, I miss out on the memory because I don't want people to see that I did not put the laundry away.  People who really love me will not look at my double chin in a family pic, they will see the person that they love.
4)Get out of my comfort zone/ spend more time with my family and friends. I love living in my small town.  It is perfect for me and my family.  I love going to the store and seeing people that I went to school with and giving hugs to patients I cared for when I was a medical assistant.  I love it here but I miss my family that lives in the city.  Two hours is not a long drive, load the kids up and go.  Time is flying by and I am missing out on so many relationships.  Phoenix is so busy for me that I dread every bit of my travel there.  The traffic, the weather, the fear of getting shot LOL.  I need to get over it
5)Help others I do not have to sign up as a volunteer somewhere to help people.  This is not something I have to prepair for.  I want to be more giving, help an elderly shopper with their groceries, make meals for people, babysit for couples that need a break. 
Bottom line is I want to embrace every moment, I need to do more scrap booking so I can remember every moment, laugh until I cry, compliment someone every day.  BE A BETTER PERSON

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